Phoenix Live 3 Laser Software
Model: CL-Phoenix
Phoenix Live 3 Laser Software
PHOENIX-LIVE software:
LIVE software to control up to 4 x ILDA laser and 4 x 512DMX unit
Interactive control of all axes at any time
Moving letters with true-type fonts and laser-optimized fonts
SMS-4 laser for many current mobiles
DMX512-in, DMX-out (4 x 512 channels max.), midi-in
Various sound-to-laser (BPM) functions
Sound-to-laser with BPM recognition
Every effect has its own timeline with 20 tracks
Morphing, hidden lines, 32 layers, masking, automatic animations, scan limit
Soft color/blanking functions as well as various color morphings
2 safety zones freely adjustable
Definition of 4 interfaces max. with 3 individual projection zones each
Geometric corrections in all axes possible
Beam table adjustable for a maximum of 50 single beams/mirror positions. (Rotating objects can also be defined as mirror beam - e.g. rotating spiral on a mirror ball)
Import of ILDA and PHOENIX files/animations possible
Fog button can be programmed with 24 DMX channels max.
9 fixed quick DMX scenes with 24 DMX channels each can be programmed - directly on the main user interface. Almost unlimited number of scenes can be stored on the effect buttons.
Control possibility for moving heads
Automatic real time clock - even during the show - in digital and analog versions
USB interface:
Fast transmission via USB of approx. 8Mbits/sec.
ILDA standard output
Power supply via USB port
Scan speed up to 50,000pps